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Having signed up to the United Nations Global Compact back in 2014, TDF publishes its 2019 Communication on Progress, which details pledges and actions in relation to promoting and complying with human rights, international labour standards and environmental and anti- corruption rules.

Bridging the digital divide

With regard to Human Rights, in 2019 TDF upheld its pledge to bridge the digital divide by supporting local municipalities and its goals to install telecoms and fiber infrastructure and mobile phone masts. What’s more, the company’s DTT and radio broadcasting services mean it gives French people a universal service that provides everyone free, simple and privacy-safe access to and news and culture.

Suggest novel solutions that boost local employment

TDF is pursuing its vocational training activities in relation to optical fiber rollout that started in 2018. The Company funded the development of two mobile tech training platforms designed to offer innovative fiber vocational training. TDF offered such platforms to training bodies in French counties Loir-et-Cher and Indre-et-Loire with a view to helping create local jobs and supporting firms seeking skilled staff to operate equipment properly while also giving jobseekers a better chance of landing a job.

Promote gender equality at work

With respect to International Labour Standards, 2019 featured a new staff agreement covering gender equality at work and parental entitlements. This three-year agreement from 2020 to 2022 adds parental rights to existing staff benefits. TDF’s gender equality index now stands at 92 out of 100 that bears out the improvements brought about in recent years under the Group HR policy.

Generate renewable energy to power TDF sites

With regard to environmental matters, TDF conducts studies and trials of renewable energy and hybrid solutions to power production sites, which included installation of solar shades in 2019 at some sites.

Training to combat corruption

Regarding corruption, TDF continued to provide training courses that 420 employees underwent in 2019. What’s more, an independent audit confirmed that TDF Group’s anti-corruption policies and practices comply with the French Sapin II Act.

TDF Group CEO Olivier Huart said: “Covid-19 has made us more aware of people in need and boosted the help we give others. We are specially honored to contribute our skills, know-how and tech wherewithal to the overall effort. Once again this year, I am proud to uphold TDF’s pledge to support the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles and to adopt them in our CSR policy.”